Sunday, September 27, 2009

poem: An Ode to President Musa Yar Adua of Nigeria

And the gods, and their fathers
In their mysterious ways
Deign it prudent
To bless us
Good people, great nation
With the government of
President Musa Yar Adua
Never ill at ease
Nor bereft of ideas
Who thumps up Iwu
Thumped down Ribadu

These powers that be
Bequeathed us,
Good people, great nation
Such great man
Musa Yar Adua
Of immense strength
And agility
Strong as a bull
Swift like a springbok
That he frequents hospital
And prayer homes

President Musa Yar Adua
Unparallel in vision
Superior to the eagles
He reverses, and re-reverses
Past and present

Good people, great nation
Rich in oil,
Mineral, and people
A land of multi-million lions
Led or not by
By an unhurried sheep
Yar Adua
A man of steely apathy
To sectionalism
And tight affinity for
That he replaced the consolidation expert
With his home boy
A wielder of stick

Good people, great nation
Ran by Yar Adua
Who ran for cover
Ignoring the UN
To witness school
Open in the middle east
While schools in Nigeria
Extend their strike

Commander of the Armed Forces
Of Nigeria
Good people, great nation
Sir Musa Yar Adua
You I hail!

Those who read this, also read:

Barack Obama, The One

The King of Pop, A Ballad

Men of God

United Nations General Assembly

Thursday, September 24, 2009

poem: United Nations General Assembly

Again they gather
From countries
Far and near
Rich and poor
Democrats, and not
United Nations
General Assembly
Of Dicks and Harrys

Together they throng
Men, women
Opinion leaders
Rulers of the world
And architects of ruins
United Nations
General Assembly
A show, a charade

They gather
To talk,
Again and again
Of solutions
To problems
Created by them;
Of ends to wars
Sponsored by them
United Nations
General Assembly
Of hypocrites, and quacks!

They gather,
To offer
Little in substance
That our world will be safer
Secure, or peaceful
That economies will be stronger
And jobs secure

They gather again
To snub, or hug
Their foes or friends
United Nations
General Assembly
Some sluggards, some jesters

Those who read this, also read:

Travails of Truth

An Ode to President Musa Yar' Adua

Sunday, September 13, 2009

poem: MAN OF GOD

Clothed with the
Finest of linen
And silkiest of silks
For the most
Theatrical of effect
The 21st Century
Men of God,
Stage performers
Prosperity pastors
Criss-cross the world
In jets,
Private or chartered

Preaching wealth,
Health and healing
Abundance of it
Fleecing their followers
With their gifts of the gab
In the name of God

Tutored infirm
Suddenly healed;
The ‘spirit’ overpowered
Rolling, like logs
On the floor
Believers’ cheer, scream
In the seemingly
Atmosphere for miracles
A rhapsody,
Oblivious of reality
Ah, Emmanuel on TV
Christ in an embassy

Men of God
Preachers of wealth, health, and healing
Swindlers of the faithfuls
Robbers of souls
Enemies of Christ!

Those who read this, also read:

Travails of Truth

My Conscience

Barack Obama, The One

The King of Pop, A Ballad

An Ode to President Musa Yar' Adua

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Youthful, graceful

With her being
Wholly, unreserved
Body and soul
She loved
Withholding neither
Nor hope

He relished
The bequeathed
Consume the heart
Like a true villain
Her trust
Her hope

Randy him,
Devouring that which
She offered
Yet pilfering the forbidden
The best of
Her friends, sister
And more
Leaving her

A love story,
Of yet another
Broken heart
Horrible in details

Those who read this, also read:

Heartless I

Heartless II

Dilemma of Love

Beautiful Guilt